Monday, April 22, 2013

My time at Ewan's...

In Malaysia Conor and I decided to go to the Perhentian Islands. Another recommendation from our friends Jenny and Jason, thanks guys! To get there we took an overnight bus from Joho Baru bus station. Being the only white people at the bus station we were stared at. We posted up at one restaurant there and found our love for murtabak (totally butchered that word). It's like a pancake of meat and onions served with delicious sauce.
Our bus left about 9pm and got to the pier at 6am. I was surprised that I didn't think the bus was that bad. I fell asleep on and off for a while, more than expected. Once at the pier we took a 7am small boat to the island. We had booked a bungalow type room at Ewan's Place for the next few days.

Ewan is a big, jolly, Malaysian man. He was so kind and friendly. He remembered our names, kind of. I was Anna for the week and Conor was sometimes John (because of John Conor from The Terminator). His daughter was adorable and just kept herself busy all day.

The island we were staying on had two beaches connected by a small path through the jungle. We spent our days on the beach- swimming and reading. (Maybe I read 50 Shades of Grey in two days). We spent our nights at this restaurant which showed random movies (Step Up 4 and the Avengers). It was so beautiful and so relaxing.

One day we decided to go on another snorkeling tour. This trip was one of the best trips we've done so far. We went to a few different locations so see certain things. We saw small sharks at one point, loads of tropical fish, sea turtles and we jumped off a floating lighthouse. I have not had much experience snorkeling but this day was really amazing. Conor has a waterproof camera which has all our pics from the day.

After a few days of relaxing. Some kayaking. Lots of eating and reading. We decided to head back towards Kuala Lumpur. We had to take a ferry back to the pier and then a long day bus. We missed our alarm that morning, but luckily some thunder woke us up. The beach was fantastic and beautiful, but we were ready to be in a city for a few days.

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